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>  The reviews in this thread reminded me of how significant the show has been in my life, and I wanted to commemorate it's end somehow. 

In a way that was the same for me as well (because when reviewing and comparing, it caused me to look back at how far the show came). 

> Aside from that it's just a really good thread. 

You know? Looking at it I agree. Keeping in mind that it is mostly a correspondence between two anons who have a limited experience in both analysis, reviewing and even grammar. A lot of ground was covered. Personal reflections, themes of the lessons, unironic lore analysis at times. 

> Exactly, and I'm more used to the pace of smaller *chans to boot, so keeping up with a 4chan board is hard enough without trying to post on it too.

Me too. Though /mlp/ has slowed from it's prime, I sometimes after not visiting in a week have a hard time with keeping tabs on things  well, I have become somewhat unused to IRL stuff 

> Was that alienation a factor in discovering MLP for you as well?

Though this is to  L23  I may relate to this in that my friend circle collapsed do to drama and FiM was the only thing running that I liked. Though saying that I just consume it is probably an understatement as I identify with it and it had an affect  it played a huge part in saving certain aspects of myself that may have otherwise died in teenage/adulthood. 

> Though fan-pandering in the later seasons didn't completely ruin it, I think if they want gen 5 to be good they need to ensure there's no fan-pandering this time around, however.

Depends on what you define as fan pandering. As a whole you could include any attempt to bring the show beyond it's limits as fan pandering. Some of the more complex plots and things with a slight adult edge can still maintain the tone of the show. That can be done wrong but I do not think on it's own is bad and they should aim for some hint of complexity or depth with themes. Than there is fan pandering in the sense of trying to write to the fandom's desires and expectations, this is okay in moderate dosages but when taken beyond can be feel offputting and wrong to the tone of the show. For example: The show puts in as many characters, shippings and call backs as possible that it almost feels like they aren't going with a plot as much as a checklist  Slice of Life  Though I did like it on it's own , Season 7's and to a lesser extent Season 6's final you could say have that feel. That I am in more agreement. Then finally there is meta jokes. I consider these to be my worst fear any franchise because a few are fun but often people get addicted to them and break immersion with snark and humor poking fun at how the plot usually works, and emotional moments. (Look the Princesses are finally helping. Friendship lasers! Bla bla bla you get it). Though MLP usually only flirted than cross the line for me. I'm in 100% agreement here in keeping that under a very tight rope.