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> That's a pretty strong emotional state.
and what´s worse, it´s not even the first time I have applied that while typing in a Word document. [╔spoiler] I did that as well back in 2016 but those words inside "a letter" were aimed towards my brother for appreciating him ,words that I couldn´t say to him directly to the face yet they arose when I had the keyboard in private[/spoiler]

> I can see how one would find that tiring and not want to continue flirting with such if it can affect you that strong. 
don´t think so. In that month, I wrote both Luna´s and Novo´s fic in less than two weeks so that statement doesn´t make much sense. What´s even bleaker is that I didn´t get tired because of that, it´s that those words only come to reality and I flirt with them when I am thinking too much, wondering about several things that float in my mind, anxiety towards my future, asking myself if i am going to fail... Flirting with them was a medium that could cause some relief at finding answers or expressing something that could help me later or at least, have some sort of purpose.

What made me forget about that mindset is how busy I have been with this board by replying to really varied topics and in real life. After that summer of 2018, I have mostly been really busy in my degree because of lab sessions (this is why the Mirror of Fire happened) and several other tasks. 

Basically what I am saying is that I wrote them as a disguised vent and I concluded myself after creating the personal thread that I couldn´t present myself as a loser coping with the world, not to mention that they are more productive and even manage to inspire others. After admitting this, I think that I should prove what I can do now, considering how many things have changed from back then. 

> if you ever want to try it you canrun it from a boot disc or USB no problem if you ever want to try it. 
I´ll keep this in mind just in case but I don´t think I will find it necessary. 

> I really like the edit of your old drawing. It kind of gives it a children's story book or paper cut out kind of feel that I kind of like (and actually have messed with before.)
> I did make a couple of small edits but only one of them is even going in the direction I am trying to show.
thanks and I believe that both the edit and the paper cut will be posted in the highlights. I feel achieved after getting a better aesthetic than a hand drawn image, converted into digital because of a mobile phone photo without using scanner. At least, it looks less cheap in comparison.