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> Digital world can be a cold age I suppose.
that´s what I thought like 3 or 4 years ago and you will see why I changed my mind.

> It is merely a PMV, yet, unlike a parade of random clips ,vectors and special effects it actually tells a bit of a story. 
especially with the book, closing simultaneously with both stories for Twilight and the royal sisters but ironically enough, the song actually stands for itself and I swear that these thoughts of mine came without watching the video at first. It´s easy to tell where you got the ideas, especially during the clips around 2:26 and 0:35 but that was only an impression for your fic and use that as an excuse to introduce Cosmos´standpoint, not to mention that both the original material from the early years and the perception of FiM have radically changed since then. 

> The clips, some pretty good editing and special effects and choice of song make something that is utterly haunting.
not all of those clips are perfect but yeah, they fit. Also, I´ve got to point this out: is the singer behind actually Sia? Because it´s giving me a lot of vibes from the famous pop artist that appeared in the movie.

> The song I do no care for in any other context and is not quite my style of music yet I love it here. A meaning was added for me. Something that only exist in this mixing up of content. 
that´s the most beautiful thing that one can get from any material. I mean, music, books or series are meant to be used but I wonder if they are meant to drive to something derivative around them for the original creators (because not all of them are willing to accept versions of it). And yes, this material does have enough power to lead you to do that and not all the things out there manage to accomplish even though pretty much anything falls into personal reasons. Such as:

> Even a lazy effort can still be something too. See this?:
well, if that counts...I suppose that everything counts but it´s me in the end, who pushes myself for thinking that the material might not be original. I suppose that in the internet age, the DIY content and punk philosophy of transmitting anything, even if it´s completely out of context, it could develop that spirit of freshness.