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> Exactly. Though it may be wishful thinking to hope for a show to retain it's original style and feel over time, if the writers were less self-aware of the work they're contributing to and the way it's audience perceives it, you end up with something that, in my opinion, is a bit more immersive.
> moreso I think since there's pretty much nobody else around to impress or split into factions, leaving just genuine love for the show.
> I've got the text of it all at least. We could set up a pastebin or something to preserve it.
Thanks 5050. Remember, you are 100% welcome and invited to postgen4general. I know you feel a bit awkward with disrupting us here but honestly you were another one on the ride of this thread with us, just for the most part silent. Besides, if you've know us since 2018 you've almost an oldfag by /endpone/ sortlifespan if not one. I know that IRL stuff can get in the way and you may not get to post as often but I do hope you stick around. I have really enjoyed talking to ya and wouldn't mind you posting along with us.
Also, this posts serves as a PoLS. I've been pretty busy with stuff. The good news is a lot of it is /pone/ related.