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thumbnail of 2099868__safe_artist-colon-anonymous_applejack_button_caption_derp+face_earth+pony_fimfiction_hand_hat_meme_nut+button_pony_screenshots.png
2099868__safe_artist-... png
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Perhaps you filled a niche? Fix it fics is a genre over there and a few have done well. A lot of them probably at least share some of the critiques you do as they probably were the second most nitpickish of the final besides /mlp/ when I briefly checked there (though still more positive overall).

This. Though I consider my endpone stuff to be nothing special it is vastly superior to my first attempts  that date from 2011 and 2012. 

> you can almost say goodbye to almost anything written over here.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... All the rules in the screencap seem familiar to me other than the no chapter updates announcing a sequel. I used to see fanfic authors do that all the time with squeals and non story updates. I've been pretty outta tune with the site over the past three years but I have seem them allow experimental stuff fairly often in old times. Including a fic that was just a picture with text in a multitude of colors and a variety of formatting even with those rules in place. I'll have ta go back and see if they are still there if I can remember them.