> Though I consider my endpone stuff to be nothing special it is vastly superior to my first attempts
they are. Otherwise I wouldn´t have reviewed them so they have something going on in comparison to other greens posted here or...
> that date from 2011 and 2012.
these ones.I would like to see your first attempts so one can notice the changes. It could be an interesting exercise and considering that it was a different era and fanfics were seen with more infamy than these days.
> All the rules in the screencap seem familiar to me other than the no chapter updates announcing a sequel.
alright, that´s good to know.
> I used to see fanfic authors do that all the time with squeals and non story updates.
well, this means that I am picking the choice of collecting the fics that have some correlation, using them as an archive more than anything else.
> I've been pretty outta tune with the site over the past three years but I have seem them allow experimental stuff fairly often in old times.
fingers crossed they do allow that nowadays. Maybe I am the only stupid fan that takes the rules seriously and people just write whatever they want without consequences.
> Including a fic that was just a picture with text in a multitude of colors and a variety of formatting even with those rules in place. I'll have ta go back and see if they are still there if I can remember them.
did that text have a green format? It would be pretty informative and prove that these rules are written in theory but broken in practice.I mean, one can change the styles without the arrows and I am doing that before submitting them.