and the same to you.
> Awesome on the fic plans. Even if you don't complete it sometimes those sparks can lead to stuff elsewhere.
I have been reading a few posts in which newbie writers try to defy the rules and think they are the shit. I have had that same mindset and the more I live in this world, the more I realize that I have to be aware and humble of what I am doing.
So despite trying to make an effort at impressing someone and cause some external impact, in the end, all the fics here are intended to entertain ourselves in this board and archive them on Fimfiction just in case anyone wants to check them in a more secure "public" place.
Will it lead to stuff elsewhere as you say? Probably. I mean, I think that I am going to experiment a little bit and try not to write with the emotions this time around. Many things have changed since 2018 so this fic could serve as a point of reference in order to compare my intention nowadays from back then, the ambient here and the permanent state of /endpone/ in this site calms a lot mentally in my case, not to mention that having Derpibooru and now Fimfiction as backups lighten that past anxiousness when it comes to the archives and/or communication. I should also mention the fact that gen 4 is over and the fanbase has done everything and beyond to keep itself alive and here we are. So everything feels like an extra bonus for what this franchise was meant to do.
To sum it up, I feel more relaxed in comparison to a couple of years ago and I want to prove that feeling.
Besides, I haven´t contributed to this board with any story since November 2018 so yeah, it´s about time to break this period of inactivity. Still, I don´t want to promise anything nor lead to the wrong expectations.
> It seems that Carrotdashfag has decided to show himself once more.
and posting content that isn´t uniquely his trademark in all his posts. At this rate, by the end of the year he is going to reply with a picture of Canterlot.