fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[pone] - Endchan Magrathea
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>  I have had that same mindset and the more I live in this world, the more I realize that I have to be aware and humble of what I am doing.

Considering the fact that I often think you are a bit too negative toward your stuff I'd say you have for the most part, at least what you have presented to me. Still, it is better to be humble and a bit over cautious than someone who lets it runs to his head.  Just remember to have fun with it. 

> not to mention that having Derpibooru and now Fimfiction as backups lighten that past anxiousness when it comes to the archives and/or communication. 

I know. I mean, even subtly, the fact that I actually think on the mid to long term is something in itself that can influence what one can conceive.

> To sum it up, I feel more relaxed in comparison to a couple of years ago and I want to prove that feeling. 

It only took me too years of being chill for it to finely come through  though in truth, my chillness was more of a not worry about it and let's see where it goes. Now it has turned to something very different: security. That mentality is still applied but now it feels there is a layer of control that wasn't there. 

> Still, I donĀ“t want to promise anything nor lead to the wrong expectations.

Don't worry I know the feel. Things can evolve from intent and some projects don't work out. I will look upon them with an a blank mind.

>  At this rate, by the end of the year he is going to reply with a picture of Canterlot.

Still was a carrot cutie mark, but it is a start and honestly a bit cleaver.

PoLS with a side of Gothic pone.