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>>/5361/ > It only took me too years of being chill for it to finely come through though in truth, my chillness was more of a not worry about it and let's see where it goes. well, that chillness could turn out to be useful just to move forward and digest the worst times with a good face. That interest (of seeing where all of this would arrive at) was also shared with the interest for the show so the ease to set up that mentality doesn´t look all that strange in hindsight. > Now it has turned to something very different: security. That mentality is still applied but now it feels there is a layer of control that wasn't there. well, I consider two reasons to justify that change: first of all, gen 4 is over. There is nothing else that MLP can jump the shark nor any possible failures in the future. As the main show is over, everything that comes next feels like a bonus because the base has been completely built and there is nothing to destroy nor make it disappear. And secondly, the adaptation of the chan format and replying over and over in an anonymous ambient (despite not interacting with random people), whenever you get used to convincing at people you don´t know nor you have arguments for your identity, you develop a standard method for speaking up without forcing a change of mentality. This means that if one is capable to convince any random anonymous, that ability will serve for convincing anyone else. A lurker doesn´t take risks because he´s mostly a spectator and remains cautious just to wait for his moment...but when one has handled a small board for so long....inactivity is not a valid answer unless one gives up and leaves,looking for another place with more popularity instead. > Things can evolve from intent and some projects don't work out. I will look upon them with an a blank mind. thanks. But still, as you are used to reading from me, you will notice lots of familiar patterns as soon as you dive into it. > Still was a carrot cutie mark, but it is a start and honestly a bit cleaver. I was talking about a couple of reaction images unrelated to his avatar or even MLP stuff. But honestly, I don´t understand completely why he has any interest to be here other than...trolling us and looking for warm attention, maybe?