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thumbnail of canterlot_sunset___wallpaper_by_crappyunicorn-d3ece2n.jpg
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well, /endpone/ has finally come back from its little own hiatus (the servers broke hard) and it seems that we have missed the announcements for the gen 5 movie and the Transformers comic but there is a lot of time for discussing that. 

So, this should have some way to to celebrate the inactivity and as you can see in the OP, this thread started two years ago (in febraury) and a lot has passed since then, transforming this green from a blogpost to one dedicated to the greentexts I have had in mind. Not all of them, but still the change of tone proves that this thread didnĀ“t end right there with the first posts and the fact that there is always a tomorrow makes all this really ironic how much it has changed...

With this story, I am wrapping up the looking back at the old posts...