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> I left the castle quickly and I hurried to leave the town as well. I am not thinking about the consequences yet because I believe that I still have dangers to avoid. I ran through the streets until I crossed the main bridge that served as the main entrance for Canterlot. It seemed that the guards were not ordered by Cloud Zapper and fortunately weren´t from the unit he commanded. Either way, I knew that Canterlot wouldn´t give me refuge anymore. > By the time that I realized about it, I had left the city spontaneously and I lost the sight of those walls, my escape mission actually ended. However, questions arose abruptly as soon as I accomplished my initial plan. My mood started to chance drastically and all those random questions could be summed up in a very simple pattern hidden among them: #“And…what do I do now?” I thought out loud. /# Chapter 4: Road to the South. > After successfully escaping from the city, what am I supposed to do now? I hadn´t raised this problem of leaving my house after such a long time. I thought that I had my entire life solved, living under a stable routine but now, I don´t own anything at all. Canterlot was the place for joining in the royal army and everyone who wanted to offer security to the kingdom, they were recruited there. I am left abandoned without the charge that I have known and all the pleasant and past belongings are taken off. This is what I have found and I didn´t desire this at all. > Those pleasant pass times I had are also a curse here. I blamed Cloud Zapper about his short duration ship with Cadance…but I don´t hold a much better prestige either. In fact, one would imagine that I could join into the Crystal army but I hold a bad image over there. I tried to flirt with certain kinks of mine with a few mares that were married with the guards we were replacing at that time. That did not sit well at all…and it explains why my unit wasn´t ordered to visit that place again. > I am blaming those pleasure when I don´t have a house that I need. Honestly, I am a mess and so does my mind. I understand why Cloud Zapper was moody towards me and kept all those outrages that I did in the past. Therefore, I cannot head to the north, I wouldn´t be welcome over there if I tried to work as a guard over there. > I am dreading a little bit because I have to take a drastic decision in order to pick up a little bit of hope and…considering that this insanity has started after leaving Canterlot with such a daring attitude, at least I must finish it somehow. > I fled heading to the south and I am not willing to take a step back to the north. If that city is my home no more, the next step will be towards the undiscovered south. And so, I am departing to the south with the hope of ending my interest to see what´s there. If I fail in my quest, at least, I promise to myself to see those creatures I saw flying in the sky when I was aboard the train.