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Chapter 5: Distressed in the Bone Dry Desert > My solitary quest seems to have left me in vein. Except for going to Appleloosa, I don´t have a single train that could help me at going to the south. I have been walking for a few hours in this desert and it doesn´t seem to end at all. Maybe I had seen an industrial city in the horizon but honestly, in the middle of such a hostile place, who would want to stay there? > Without a prepared route, nor guide, nor transport nor preparation, I must say that my pleasures have carried me away to such a spontaneous yet failed plan. If I turned back, maybe the night would fall before reaching the last trees I managed to see. > The south is huge and there is no doubt that no one has sent us here in the past. Now I am starting to understand what this place really means…because there was no interest at all in knowing it. > I have to replace my glasses again, my armour feels heavier to me and my eyes are struggling at seeing something in the south horizon. I haven´t seen anything that fulfils me with hope. My age is proving to be a challenge for venturing myself in such a useless way yet so necessary at the same time. > The laziness and good mood that I had these past days is completely gone in single day. Congratulations BlueStar, you are a genius. After pretending so much time in the army and wearing the glasses that give you an intelligent impression, you go and decide to carry a rushed plan that has proven to fail miserably so far. > Again, I have to reaffirm at myself that my life was lost as soon as I heard those words from Cloud Zapper but I didn´t imagine that the risk of getting out of the comfort zone would turn out to be a huge risk. The interest for new places is sometimes dangerous and this desert full of spiders inside the dry bones I have come across confirms what I am thinking right now. > I cannot tell if it´s worse to give in towards such loss of prestige, ruining completely my image or if I should give up at walking more in this desert with such friendly companies like those spiders. I may have my reason and I hope to not have taken the wrong decision here, but it´s far away from becoming the correct one. > I am still walking while I am getting lost inside my mind, with my head down and my body running out of energies, I don´t even bother at looking up at the horizon. All that is awaiting me is sand. It´s sand all that I have left around me and my body has walked at certain moments uncoordinated. > Suddenly, I stepped over a different surface. Under my hooves, I noticed something metallic under my hooves and the feeling was completely different to what I was used to sense for a long time. My eyes opened up after feeling that difference and to my surprise, I found a ray of hope in this hollow part of Equestria: “IT´S A RAILWAY! I´VE FOUND A RAILWAY! Someone must be living in the south, they must be there!” I exclaimed with absolute happiness. > My energies were gathered but only slightly because I was using the reserved ones I had in this worn out body. My interest didn´t cease and I knew that I was certain of my observations. And so, I keep walking, I am still conscious (at least) and this desert might not be eternal after all.