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Chapter 8: The end of an era

> Well, I have said goodbye to the earthly world. After being dragged by a huge wave, it shows that my tiredness never left my body. It was there, latent and now, when I need it more than ever, it seems that I have truly given up.

> If I had troubles for reaching the rock where I was placed, the effort that I would have to do in order to stay afloat looks distant and even more unlikely trying to reach the coast. So this confirms my end, is it? 

> After all, wasn´t this what I had desired back then during the holidays? Didn´t I say that I was really comfortable while I was laying back in the sea? I had life vest that was keeping afloat and I could enjoy those moments. Here, however, I wear golden armour that serves me to sink my whole body even more, guaranteeing this torture. I suppose that one should be careful in his wish because at the end of the day, I deserve what it is happening to me.

> I have a sense that I could have lived this before, or is my mind tricking me again, losing consciousness because of being here down below? I don´t want to open my eyes because I already know what I am going to find: a mix between the void and the air left that I am sending off very soon.

> If no pony felt like visiting a desert, less reasons they would have at going where I am located. It´s what the south represents and again, I understand why no one has dared to come over here…because it would mean their perdition. There is no around me that could listen to me while saying this and…despite this experience that has strengthen me in terms of experience and willingness, I believe that I have taken the middle path.  

> I decided to open my eyes and I found what I had expected: everything was dark blue and I saw no surface at all so I could come up there, my chances were doomed from the very beginning even though I must say the ambient here is different…it wouldn´t be difficult to swim in these depths but all the weight I carry takes away any fluid quick moves. 

> I am lost, I don´t think that I need to lose my last energies in describing my physical condition  and I´ve finally admitted that all the years my youth won´t come back anymore…and they will end as soon as they don´t stay afloat and reach the bottom…

> Water has become a blessing because I have reached finally the end point but it also represents the curse that I exactly needed.
> What´s worse is that I might have seen a distant shadow before closing my eyes for one last time. It had a considerable size so if it´s a shark or something that sees me as its lunchtime, I certainly know what will await me after exhaling the last breath.

> Don´t think about it BlueStar and let´s just end this defeat because if I keep postponing this, I might suffer something worse as long as I stay conscious. 

> I have to think about you, for one last time Cloud Zapper; I did this just because I lost the main base for moving forward. I have taken these useless risks because I was curious towards the unknown and now… I am finally paying for those damages that I allowed to happen…

> I can barely think for myself so it means…that I have nothing little to nothing to expel… so I can finally conclude my curiosity…and my life…

*BlueStar closes his eyes and the screen becomes dark.

*Several successive noises show up.