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Chapter 9: Stella > Hmmm, it´s weird that I am still capable to think, why am I thinking right now? I am hearing sounds out there and I don´t want to know what´s going on there because the aquatic world can become quite unkind. Maybe I´ve gone too far and somehow I thinking all over again because… #“Aaaaaw” I gasped as I took a breath of…air? /# > I am noticing that something isn´t working here as it usually does. Somehow I can breathe all of a sudden and I still have my eyes closed but it seems that my face doesn´t collide with the dense water. I still feel uneasy because I am still alive and something undesirable could happen to me because of that strange shadow I saw and… *A fizz sounded around BlueStar´s face and another noise came within his entire body. > Wait a moment, what am I hearing right now? And what´s worse, why are all these new noises coming out inside my body? Those unusual noises have also come back around my face and they sound like they would come from a magical spell. My face is sensing the dense water flowing and I feel that heaviness all over again. Not only that but I feel that my body isn´t quite the same and if these strange feelings aren´t enough… > I can breathe...underwater… well, BlueStar maybe you are having hallucinations. What happens in Equestria isn´t very normal to begin with but this…this must be a dream. Given that I haven´t deceased yet, I will try to move and stop letting myself sink because I have to know what is truly happening here. First, I have to open my eyes again, asking myself what I should next and…: “Wow!” I stood absolutely astonished for a while. “Impossible! It cannot be true!” I wasn´t capable to believe the whole situation I was seeing here. >I had a great fish tail, yellow fins in my front hooves and I had lost completely my two back hooves. This was unexpected, I tried to test this new body and it offered what I had imagined out of it: #“I…I can move with ease and I am wearing the heavy golden armour, how have I turned into this? How is it possible? It´s incredible” I thought to myself aloud./# “Surprised? If I were you, I would react like that as well.” Someone said with a giggle. #“Wait, who´s there?” I asked taken aback. “Show yourself.” I affirmed./# > With swiftness, a lilac mare appeared gracefully. She had the same body as mine, her fins were pink, her front hooves were yellow, had a yellow mane, pointy ears, purple eyes and something that caught my attention: she was wearing a seashell necklace. She was beautiful and I was amazed that she actually appeared out of nowhere, presenting herself to a faraway stranger. “Erm…this is…also unexpected” I said to her awkwardly. I didn´t know what to say and it shows that I am still perplexed of everything that has been happening here. “Well, it is about time that you´ve decided to wake up, isn´t it? I mean, I perfectly know that sleeping underwater is very comfortable but for a unicorn like you, that looks risky, don´t you think?” She said to me. > After hearing this, I am starting to believe that all I thought while standing on that rock before was in vein. I repeat, if it weren´t because of the glasses that deliver an intellectual impression, Cloud Zapper would be right about me at being a fool. “Well, sleeping comfortably here wasn´t what I was looking for exactly” I answered with hesitation. “Don´t tell me that you were seeking for suffocation here…because if that was true, the queen wouldn´t approve it at all” she said to me with amazement. #“Well… uh? What queen? Do you have a kingdom here?” I asked her. /# “Ah, I´m sorry, I understand that you are confused. The hippogriffs hadn´t shown up out there until we did recently this week. We went to Canterlot so we could rescue Princess Skystar from The Storm King. And indeed, we have a queen named Novo. She leads both the Mount Aris and Seaquestria” she responded. #“So, you live in a mount as well? And where is it? Because I didn´t see it before up there in the coast” I asked./#