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“What are you trying to tell me with that?” he asked. “I´ve almost faced death after going through a vast desert and being carried over by violent waves. You´ll understand that I cannot be the same after having this experience” I continued. “You were about to die? How did you dare to do such a crazy move like that?” he asked with surprise. “You know, it isn´t all that hard to see it after feeling unwelcome in Canterlot and my house was taken away from me. Since then, I had nothing left to lose. You knew that I am a one trick pony. This charge is what I have known in my life. I simply took the risk at discovering the south, it almost took my life and now, I am talking to you. I had simply accepted an offer I didn´t have that day. I have been born again” I affirmed. “I am speechless, BlueStar. That´s why you are so serious now…” he said. “Indeed. And here I am, trying to prove my loyalty in my charge” I responded. “So, all this means that we are never going to see ourselves again?” he asked. “Well, I´ve met someone else here and you should do it yourself” I responded. “So, are you staying because of a relationship? Are you going to flirt again with the mares again around here?” Cloud Zapper asked. “I believe that…those pleasures won´t come back. I might have doubts about returning to Canterlot but that one surely won´t.” I affirmed. “So it´s true that you are being more serious this time” he said. “Actually, the queen hasn´t been disappointed by my duties yet and for this place, I don´t do need you around. I can handle this on my own” I said. “Are you going to stay under her rule eternally?” he asked. “I still serve for her and for Celestia as well because I am working for the defence of Equestria. I don´t know how long I will stay here but I cannot complain about it at all” I affirmed. “Fortunately you are alright after all. I hope that you can handle it nicely here but we know that someone has been missing in the unit these days” he admitted. “Considering that the train station is open, it doesn´t mean that we cannot see ourselves. I have no problem with that. The only thing that has changed, Cloud Zapper, is that you are no longer my commander” I affirmed. “I guess that you are right. It is a nice place, I might spend a few days off here…just like you did, right?” he smiled a little bit. “Yes” I laughed a little bit as well. “But those were different times Cloud Zapper, just don´t worry about me because I have been fine after that complicated day” I continued. “And that´s a good thing” he responded. > Both the queen and Celestia were exiting the throne room´s entrance. It was time to go for Cloud Zapper. “Well, it seems that I am leaving. It was a relief to see you again” he admitted. “Me too, Cloud Zapper” I answered. “Just promise me one thing, BlueStar” he said. #“What is it?” I asked with hesitation. /# “Make your commander proud” he said to me, while he was shaking his left hoof. “I will do it, sir” I responded, shaking mine as well. “I sense that you can do it” he concluded. > We nodded our heads among ourselves like royal guards we were. After that, he and both royal figures were heading to the entrance of Seaquestria, slowly disappearing while there were emerging to the surface. > So, that was it for my commander. I guess that after confessing my thoughts with him today, given that I am in the mood for it and have my personal doubts of coming back to Canterlot, I believe that she must know the truth…