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*Flashback starts > Beyond the bridges of Manehattan, I was meant to watch for Princess Celestia with my unit, including Cloud Zapper, for a couple of days. She had to visit a fashion show in which all the high class ponies showed the designs prepared for her because the Great Galloping Gala was going to be celebrated in the following week in Canterlot. That fashion was pretty popular in the city and we had to go through lots of streets and a few avenues. > When we were getting closer to the fashion show, I saw a yellow pony, an earth pony actually. He was painting a picture and I happened to look at it. I stopped and stared more at it because it caught my attention and I have never seen anything like that so far. > The picture didn´t make much sense to me at the time. I don´t remember all the main forms there because those weren´t ponies except for one that looked green. I remember seeing a griffon as well but I didn´t have any idea who the other four were. They were smiling and talking to each other, walking on the main avenue of Manehattan, that´s all I can remember correctly. There were a few ponies in both sides of that picture but there weren´t showing their faces to the viewer…they were more focused on leaving the main avenue and living their own lives. > So a few questions started to arise in my head but I had one in particular, so I went and said: #“Excuse me sir, can I ask you a question about your picture?” I asked that yellow pony. /# > The painter looked at me with so much indifference that he didn´t endure for a single second at looking at me, almost as if he didn´t pay attention to what I had just said. He looked at his picture again and: “What´s your name, royal guard?” the painter asked me. “BlueStar, sir” I affirmed with hesitation. I was wondering why he wanted my name for such a casual spontaneous conversation. “What question do you have in mind?” the painter asked. #“Well, there are a few things that I don´t understand from his picture but I cannot hold myself at asking you this. You know, the streets of Manehattan are actually dark green and I would like to know, why are the roads coloured black?” I asked the painter. /# He stayed a little bit thoughtful and he said: “BlueStar, it´s because Equestrians leave and no highway will bring them back” > And he didn´t answer more because Cloud Zapper shouted at me that I was being left behind my unit. I had to catch up with them. I didn´t understand what he meant with that phrase back then… *Flashback ends.