The Second Chance png
(421.28 KB, 1920x1080)
(421.28 KB, 1920x1080) Title: The Second Chance. Written on 24th of January of 2020, translated on 1st of Febraury of 2020. Well, there it is. The process has been quite fast, I´ve had everything ready and save the blue color (this happened to me with Luna in the past so this isn´t anything new), the rest have worked perfectly. This fic isn´t exactly a story made to be perfect but more like an exercise to compare myself, my confidence in this place, the differences in emotions between 2018 and 2020... lots of personal things. The old posts/material that I looked back was at the story posted from >>/601/ to >>/636/. That story started it all but it was incomplete, I typed that on mobile, writing it with emotions at that time and mixing concepts out of nowhere. Now with this attempt, I have written a story for it trying to put that moment in a context. You should read those posts first and then, this story. The song linked has been used for the little announcement for this fic >>/5391/ and even referenced in the story itself. So you already have one of those influences behind the process of this text. There are more influences to expose that even have a bigger relevance than this song but for now, I won´t say much. I have wanted to compile all the innovations that have been gradually added in the way of writing a story. Not only that but also I have added a couple of things that were out of my comfort zone and innovate this time (even if it´s a bit). Again, quantity doesn´t guarantee quality, it´s the longest one but too many words without saying anything within them is basically useless/sterile in the end. So while the story is linear and focuses a bit more on a slice of life style with romance, that doesn´t exclude its messed up moments or ambiguous phrases with messages/references hidden among them. Keep an eye on certain lines because they might be poisoned (including the title). Just saying. Except for the mess in certain lines that weren´t colored and the possible mistakes in grammar, I have nothing else to say here for now, just that this story had a fraction of it that served as the plot device for this in order to become a reality. Enjoy! L23