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> That's right, I am the same one. Maybe it's probably because I listen to mostly self criticism music or deppresive songs that comfort me instead of causing me more sadness. Not the happiest anon you will know out there.
I think I get that. Does remind a bit of when I was a little younger. I was especially draw ta things related to betrayal.relating to IRL events I know many just laugh such things off as trying to be edgy and dark, but there can be real value to such themes. Then again, perhaps I was a bit of a dark and edgy person, so my perspective maybe a bit skewed. Though for me personally I never really enjoyed dark things fully, it was more a product of my frustrated mind that couldnt fully articulate what I really wanted to express, but overall i think I get the feel. That's just my personnel experience though. Not rying to play shrink with ya.
> my brain would explode by reading not even a quarter of it. Especially when we are talking about crossovers.
Yeah it can be that way. For me, I sometimes like to look up random low tier fanfics just for the laughs. It is actually what helped me discover pony. Though I rarely invest much time on any fics good or bad, especially seeing them through to the end.
nice trips