Some thoughts on FiM and Celestia's roll.
I was watching some season 4 FiM recently and paying very close attention to the background and characters more subtle interactions. One thing that struck me was how Celestia still had a bit of an air of mystery to her despite being discredited as a power and a tyrant. The way she played chess with Discord and her prophetic dreams; one got the since that she was still playing some type of game. I think it in part was a game with Twilight and setting her up to rule. TS herself mentioned that she was worried about being sent off to rule a kingdom and much of the lessons seemed to be prepping us for TS to be having some type of roll in leadership. I think that of any time to look at background events with actual credit ability of a fan theory it is in this season when background events and more subtler details seem to mater the most (Season 7 being a close second). This maybe the only season where it was such hints are cannon.
What is my theory? That Celestia planed power ponies! Does that sound crazy? A little. Wasn't I talking about plausible fan theories a second ago? Stay with me you'll see. You remember Spike's comic book and how they said he got it from an enchanted comic book store? I think more than likely that was just a lie that was said. You know how I know this? Remember in season 1 episode 8? That whole slumber party?!? What was the excuse for Spike being gone
"Well, you're welcome to stay if need be. Spike is away in Canterlot on royal business. I'm home all alone tonight."
Who was he on royal business with? It's obvious: Celestia!
There have been other through away lines that suggest himself having minor anatomy and connectionns to her but you get the point: Celly D is the source of the book! Why though!? Why! would! Celestia! Do! Such! A! Thing!
Stay tuned my /b/ronies...