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>>/567/ > There are real value to dark themes. The problem is how is to mess it up completely combining with desperate death, cutting veins and everything is awful situations,etc. Ruined by immaturity and a lack of artistic view on it. That is so true. Their is often a lack of subtlety in many works that even touch on dark times. Most things you find are either Tumblr tier emo or mainstream media saying "dark is more realistic" then having the most flimsy arbitrary logic where everything is sad just because sad, or everyone has black and gray morality yet it's only an excuse to have an edgy main characher, etc. > Are you me? The darkest things I get are when I am frustrated or get a little bit existential because of irl situations. I like darkness when it comes in topics, themes, ambient and even harsh morals. I have vary mixed taste when in comes in dark things. I suppose to tell you the truth I am not even what I like at times. I'm not the biggest consumer of media. Though a lot of what you said actually does ring with me. I really like dark things when it comes as an ambient presurence rather then being harshly through at the foefront every second. I especially like a dark when it isn't coupled with creepy gorefests or outright sob stories like most media take dark to mean nowadays. I also think I get what your saying on harsh morals. I like it for emample having the arrogant young protagonist actually fail at their goals. Or gets proven wrong by the elder charachers, rather then what we often get with much of the media aimed at twenty somethings and teens. That would probably the closest I could say to actually enjoying a tragedy though I probably could think of a few exemptions if I thought on it long enough. Again, though I consider myself a bit of a happier person now kind of I did turn to a lot of darker things when I was a little younger. The main theme I was fasciated with was betrayal do to IRL events Too long ta get into now, all of my friends turing on eah other.Though sometimes I would look at stuff with other dark themes as well. > I like the light and by nature, I get pretty optimistic at times very easily. But when it doesn't come naturally, it drains me a lot of energy. It feels forced. This. Especially the first part. > It feels to me as a way to express the topics of your brain and putting a balance. I myself like to be in comfort with the darkness, setting the bar low and then,I'll be prepared enjoy the few things that may come. I've had a mindset similar at times. I certainly see dark themes as an expression over a cryfest. At least that is my thoughts on betrayals. "The setting the bar low" as you say, is a mindset I did have to an extent though I'm not sure as go far as to say I ever viewed life in totality in that light. Though I admit if things had gone just a bit differently then I could have easily adopted such a view. > Are you me? Perhaps I am a downgraded more pleb tier version of you. A lot of the things that I enjoy I consider stupid or inane. Recently I've been a bit more happy and positive, but a lot of what you say does resonate with me. I certainly get the persective.