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>>/5679/ > tell me your thoughts. Is there any errors or things I missed? that I have listened to more Rick Astley music than you...I have to mention that you are a fan of one hit wonders, that´s what I have learned this week. now, seriously: > Now I know everything doesn't work out but this sure is more plausible than other theories wouldn't you agree? it doesn´t sound all that crazy and could have turned out to be more ridiculous. I have to appreciate though that you went that deep for a slumber party episode of season 1 when lore and implications didn´t carry that much the tone of the show. If you had told me about the premiere, I would have expected it but Look Before You Sleep is a really odd choice that I wouldn´t have imagined to use for a lore viewpoint. You forgot to add Dragon Dropped onto the table for supporting more your idea about Daring Do´s correlation with the existence of Mane-iac and the merchandise of both characters. About the changelings, you even posted a Ponychan image that theorized about Lyra being a changeling before this theory. I mean with this that using the changelings all the time sounds kind of cheap because they serve as a joker for almost everything before Thorax came into the game for backing up every single headcanon. Their integration into the world, especially in the 8th season, truly reduced almost all the possible theories that could come later. Nonetheless, you backed it up quite nicely in the sense that a second agent could have made the work to attract the ponies and as soon as the comic pulled the trigger, Chrysalis could come into play....but Cozy Glow couldn´t have done it for the changeling queen if only because she looked at the pegasus filly with a weird look the first time they saw themselves and didn´t have much chemistry for asking her to do that. So point discarded or highly unlikely, though the logic there turned out to be plausible. So by itself, we could imply that a changeling could have spied the ponies and notice the comic as a magical artifact in order to attack them again as another identity but we would be boiling this down again with the overdone cliché of a changeling hiding itself among the ponies. The correlation of the method that Cozy used for Tirek sounds quite reasonable but for Chysalis this time around, however, its implication in practice would have been too specific in order to carry a plan of that kind. It would much easier to plan another revenge like they did in To Where and Back Again.