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>>/5713/ > 1) There is sometimes things that have changed/implications that were removed from season to season so in viewing the canon as one whole I do want to try to decide what is the most "rational" view to certain details as canon. makes sense considering that not all ideas paid off in the end so the objective of this ranking is to establish what has made the biggest impact in this regard. > 2) In making legitimate more conservative theories I feel that it would be just as important to look at the intent and mentality at the time. considering that there are new fans joining into the community after the show ended, they will have a more neutral viewpoint, not getting stuck into one seasons or period and have the access to everything without waiting between the hiatuses. I suppose that in a certain point, the clash of biased opinions vs the ones that saw the show in a row will eventually happen. > Hence why Celestia being a tyrant would be impossible in Season 1 but some darker meanings in Season 5 or 7 being an actual intention of the writers. yet we stick with season 1 standard´s. Daybreaker´s concept however completely changed the perspective of what tyranny she could have applied in her monarchy. > Additionally, I think some sort of "weight" could be applied to Seasons and more background details based on this. season 1 gains more weight but because there is an unexpected second life of the world established. I talk mostly about characters/species but in terms of lore, I am certainly more clueless without putting any example onto the table. > Another point is that lore in itself is arguably fan service. ufff, this topic involves a very grey zone of the concept of fanservice. EQD wrote an article about it and: The addition of lore stayed in an honorable mention (though I cannot tell what standards Seth had in his mind while typing the words of this article). So despite looking subjective of a certain time, lore counts as fan service (though I have a conflict with it because the show adapts it and makes it mundane quite quick so that lore becomes the baseline for other episodes). Also,solo episodes about Celestia herself were seen as a top thing for fanservice. I didn´t imagine that an episode like Celestial Advice or A Royal Porblem would happen and I was hesitating a lot as soon as I saw that she got a bigger prominence in that episode. That was truly alien before for me. > Perhaps the lore in itself is an arbitrary designation? good question. A really needed one by the way.