> Season 7 was technically a fanfic almost toward the end bringing all these elements into play. What I mean with Lore I mean that the Season has the most organized story where I think they were planning both forward and back. You wouldn't say the Spike being gone on royal business back in Season 1 would have much thought out behind it but in Season 7 A Health of Information arguably has a fair bit.
indeed. In fact, I recall you mentioning that the standards of the latest seasons were a wet dream in the first seasons, yet what happened in season 7 didn´t catch us off guard because the tone of the show gradually changed towards other directions.
We were used to seeing laser beam fights or premieres/finales with a build up that included lore so one could dream what would be the reaction from the fanbase if the 2nd half of season 7 happened in 2010/11.
A fanfic for the golden era but an ordinary series of events for the standards developed over time. Funnily enough, the background ponies in Slice of Life acknowledge without shivering the appearance of a bugbear, meaning that the world itself has grown used to experiencing the unusual events that at first, they would be scaremongering about it in season 1.
Compare it to the fear that they displayed towards Zecora in Bridle Gossip for example, the innocence is gone because of the repeated magical events and Zecora seemed like a stranger or even a villain (because of her spookiness and mysterious vibe) when in A Health of Information she works as the essential plot device for driving Fluttershy´s quest and introduce Meadowbrook´s story.
Another change of mindset for the Everfree Forest as well despite repeating it again. This has happened both the community and for the world itself, meaning that the writers translated that growth into the universe subtly until the point of almost seeing two different series while staying the same at its core.
The extraordinary turned out to be the norm for everyone. Simply by comparing the cute nature of innocence and the fear of the unknown that one draws from the first season should serve as a sign how much everything has changed over time.
> Man'iac is indeed one and she could probably dance weird with her mane.
while reading this, I have envisioned the scene itself. It wouldn´t take much effort in the brain to imagine how it would go.
> I did not ban this user. So it was either part of the joke or a global admin actually did something.
oh so you didn´t actually do it. /endpone/ might have two or more users behind that are lurking without making much noise, including volunteers.
If you are reading this post, I just wanted to say hi.