> All the mysticism around them and over the course of the seasons became usual places to visit (especially for the students and the mane 6) that the lore behind them just became either mundane or more familiar to the characters,so much that they adapted it as another home.
This maybe one of the strongest points you have ever made, period. Both in universe and out. In universe the characters get used to what would be a threat or something spooky and from an out of universe perspective those places and concepts just being assimilate for later use for a setting for SoL stories because that is still mostly was the show's nature.
> 4th picture: the castle becomes a frequent place to visit and despite its history, it turns into a strategical place for typical slice of life stories.
I think the castle itself was in part just not used much after Season 4 and during its SoL stories in that season it still had an air of mysteriousness applied then only being treated with that true mudaneness after the introduction of the students. Your point still applies of course.
> (it doesn't diminish their relevancy on the show though).
Indeed it doesn't. Those events still happened even if the subtext is changed later.
> Having said this,I think that I am ready to say good night to this board.
I think you are!
> Sleep well!
You too! and to the rest of the lurkers and sometimes posters!