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Now, I want you to go further with the concept of lore and how this show adapts it to its normalization. Let me present to you the biggest (or at least one of the greatest candidates) middle finger and anti lore character/moment of the entire series.

Again, do we have to talk about seaponies? YES but related to your question of lore. 

Imagine that you are introducing a new species, a new place that inherently carries so much potential for lore and unanswered questions of its existence. Okay, so let´s imply that we are watching the movie for the first time and...

how do we (the fans) and the mane 6 see Mount Aris for the first time? Spooky,abandoned, a mysterious aura surrounds it, lots of questions arise and even a slight sense of uncertainty might be conveyed at first during its build up. This is messed up, quite unfamiliar and we´ll need lots of time to digest this. Uh this looks interesting, I wonder what happened, let´s see...and how does it turn out in the end?

Now, watch out, they introduce Skystar as the first character to meet there and her proactive positive attitude serves as an icebreaker of familiarity all of a sudden, no hostility to be found. She is the biggest anti lore example of this that boosts the turn from the unknown to the most familiar place to visit. So what was the secret behind what we saw before?

It goes like this (not actually her words but they sum up the whole situation): "Oh hi, you are my newest friends. Now I am not going to get bored anymore" Then she actually explains the entire lore to you and the whole story behind them: "We are the hippogriffs but we had to move away because the Storm King attacked us so we became the seaponies with the help of a pearl to transform ourselves and now we live in Seaquestria instead. Oh and I am the princess and my mother is the Queen".

And that was it. Their entire lore exposed and the mysterious aura gone and on top of that, a huge musical party happens within the entire place that had little to envy to other parties from Ponyville or Canterlot. No lore was hidden anymore and conflict relied in a slice of life manner instead of lore´s buildup. How much time has happened between the first exposure up to the upbeat party?


GG Well played. This case serves to prove how something so fresh and mysterious can become so familiar in a record time. You got the lore but it transformed into something so essential/basic that it became the simple logic for how the whole thing worked. 

This exemplifies how FIM not only eats up the lore but sometimes the show DEVOURS and digests the lore SO FAST that the newest introductions also have to add slice of life conflicts that you would expect from Ponyville. Either you introduce more lore to it or they have to rely on the characters themselves in order to be entertaining. This is why kirins or the seaponies were so liked, you see their appreciation because of Autumn Blaze, Skystar or Silverstream rather than stop and think about their backstories.