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>>/5728/ > Sorry if I derailed a bit the thread to my own territory but by indirectly explaining the concept of lore is how I handle it the best for your answer and I need examples or specific reference in order to debate it (induced hypothesis). Derail the thread!? This is right in the thread's topic. I fully get having to cite stuff. It's probably better that way! I could go further and explain why the excessive normalization could make the new things more boring than the established material or how the places that we are used to seeing so much in the show hide lore without noticing it at all yet a mysterious aura that wasn´t there, without making much noise,hold secrets or uncommon feelings that were built up because of certain mundane stories that made those elements more powerful than the first time they were introduced (basically the reverse process of normalization: the mystification). You can wait for me to reply to a couple of points here or you can go on without me if I take a couple of days. Your call. Right now I'm trying to find one fic that if my memory serves me is somewhat relevant to your's (at least I wanted to compare them). If I can't I'll go on and finish the review without it. >>/5726/ > This exemplifies how FIM not only eats up the lore but sometimes the show DEVOURS and digests the lore SO FAST that the newest introductions also have to add slice of life conflicts that you would expect from Ponyville. One point here that I can make quick: the one defense here is that this was being done with a movie mindset of exposition.It is separate from the show and done doesn't want to overload audiences with lore as so much as have a entertaining adventure from point A to point's B and C. Though it is a partial one since it is arguable that it made the movie a bit weaker and other movies put background stuff that they desperately try to attach meaning to all the time. > I might sound crazy or insane with the latter but trust me, this trend actually exists in this show (pic related is one of those examples). I think I can think of a couple of mid tier ones, but I am honestly curious if you have something that I haven't seen or have but articulated real well (like a lot of this thread). > And the meantime,keep posting because... You heard dash.