> It's a phase. I would like to think that it's a phase. This is not the 2000s anymore, they are not fresh and I have to admit that I have more fears of them than posting in the most hidden chan I can find.
Me too. Especially with how far people can take butthurt over disagreement and how the way social media is starting to smell like whiffs Orwellian in how they handel info. It is something that I think I hope is a phase. Though it maybe a generation or so before we see some strong backlash then again, over in the states, some demographic analyst have started to note backlash/unusual trends in GenZ that appear to be running counter to the millennials in some areas already, though this is early research and somewhat spotty In anycase, I'd rather be here then facebook (or even Reddit for that mater).
I have more to say but I'm in a rush at the moment. May the power of the golden gate bridge be with you!