It is a victory for /endpone/ even if nopony knows it. It means we should look at our other vaguely established memes and see if we can utilize them first. Meme magic and mememetic warfare are real!

Joking aside, it is so strange seeing all the Dolores pictures elongated and does bring a small bit of joy. 

> My goodness, I swear that you have a crystal ball or something for this.
> and I am starting to believe that I wasn´t aiming at the wrong direction at all back then.
Now now. As I said back on Derpi, long ponies did exist before. If PoLS or Lovebat become a meme though maybe you'll  be onto something... 

> After all, it´s a fic, not a project for ending a college degree. I appreciate a lot that you were aiming that high but if you can´t go for that route, make it more simple or find another alternative.
Oh I'm not treating it that seriously. Actually been a little fun seeing fics that I hadn't read since pre Twilicorn. It really is only for a couple of points and the one I was trying to find I just thought had some similarities in theme. 

> I didn´t imagine to reach this far with the Cosmos OP in this thread but oh boy, times have reached a real abnormal point of no return.
Getting close if ya ask me.