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> The problem with the LGBTQAI content is not what represent, it´s that it could feel dated after a certain period. I know there is excitement out of it and feel progressive but there is a caducity date for them

Exactly. Not to say a good bit of the things that they have liked didn't have any greater depth to them, but often the greatest reason why things exploded was out of said works scoring points being progressive. Their taste can also be vary shallow and navie perceptions of what counts as progressive/good for whatever cause their shrilling for at the moment in the first place. Glorified tokenism and shrilling that they often like in heavy dosages will easily look dated in a generation or so reguardless if things are  right, left or centerist leaning at that time

> Both cases (Kids and tumblr type) have marked this decade. Now, let´s see how their legacy will be defined. It´s always an interesting thing to see. How you look backwards to the old things and what you honestly feel about them after the period of hype.

Will trends set here last or die (if not soething inbetween). Both YT and tumblr have had a pretty big impact, but there isn't near as much that you could say is iconic to them and has had an infulence in the same way as chan culture. Youtube is more a  reflection of mass media and culture rather then leaving it's own mark on it at this point. Tumblr, as you say, doesn't have as well defined taste and memes having a harder time escaping out from their. Not to say that Tumblr and YT don't have some good things or unique art at times, but their cultures are based far more off imitation and consumption then innovation and creation. It will be interesting to see how it all ages.