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> When it's done incorrectly, it gets really bad but when you put it a little bit more formal, then it becomes trascendental. Well you can see the results and get an idea of it.

Believe it or not, but I think I've heard this song before. My Dad has a great deal of stuff from this era and I do remember him having some earlier works from the crue in his music CDs. This sounds vary familiar to me. I think it is a good example of a song to demonstrate what you mean. More solemn and actual contemplating rather then outright angst and or sadness. Don't worry, didn't take it as shrilling

> Depends pretty much on the execution and dynamic you can get from it. The comedy that could be taken from it is by Pinkie Pie just being Pinkie despite the odds or the others basically have good puns or catch between the lines.

Yeah, that's exactly how it could work well. Main problem for me that I can often have vary strange and estotic jokes that may amuse me but not translate well with others.