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>>/5787/ >>/5788/ >>/5789/ One last caveat: Take my advice with a slight caution. Why? > A city. A gigantic metropolis sprawled out in front of her, tall, regal towers, sprawling plazas, elegant manors and great halls, all inter-connected by a labyrinth of roads, highways and streets, some of which had been suspended high above the buildings, mighty highways linking the towers together. A great wall ringed the metropolis, standing high and mighty in a proud gesture of strength. From the back, looking reminiscent of Canterlot with its marble walls and multi-towered structure glistening in the sunlight, a gigantic palace rose up with a great golden domed ceiling. Almost every building was decorated with silver or golden lining that swept along the marble like vines. Atop of the tallest towers, Twilight could see banners fluttering gently in a wind that she couldn’t feel. In my earliest pre /endpone/ fic writing attempts I had this one strange flaw: I believed that I had to be overaly descriptive and write everything that was being seen at once. For example: > She waited a few minutes, standing still in the knee high grass, scanning the sky for any sign of the midnight alicorn. The sky was a brilliant shade of cyan, devoid of even a single cloud. The sun was larger here than in Equestria. The color of sky the wasn't introduced until a few lines later. It was being introduced as Twilight noticed this. When I was writing those years ago I would try to write everything that was in line of sight because I thought being descriptive meant writing every detail. It comes out very inorganic and strange. It was a stress to write because I was never sure what details to state first or what order to introduce descriptions. Till I payed close attention to some other fics but it is this fic where I realized that I was completely mistaken in how I did things. How is this relevant to you? Because I could be wrong somewhere else and never known it and to reveal where I often think when it comes to such matters. Perhaps I am too still biased to over description in general. Besides that I literally misspelled 'grammar' in my first post on it! >>/5787/ Alas, my fics were rendered upon paper I can't find the ones that would really show what I did.