Thanks a lot Bridgefag for the review. I'll have to dedicate a lot of time for replying to it properly and especially,the grammar posts were really needed. I knew that reading the fic all over again would show up my mistakes at translating it and indeed, I have noticed several typos as well.
Just to give you a hint before going deep into your review, the first chapters are meant to be a means to an end, the plot device,the excuse for developing the story. It's not only grammar the main flaw there but also there were certain confusions on how the protagonist can be led to the quest that would come later in the fic. Once that I managed to find the proper excuse, the adventure begins and the story found its way to the direction that I wanted to write about without forcing it. Keep in mind that the Seaquestria parts were the ones that I had planned because of the pictures in which Bluestar appears, trying to find the context behind them. It was truly tricky to put everything in its right place.
Anyway, do you know why I didn't name Stella like that back in 2018? Because I am not actually a creator nor I have used to a random pony generator in order to find a name for her. After all these years,I am still not the most fitting person for creating something out of nowhere. Instead, I am linking this song and you will find out that,not only the fic is ambiguous and poisoned....but also the cast itself hides its secrets. I said before that even the title is poisoned on purpose.
I wanted to reply something with value in it because I have to be grateful and appreciate the effort behind your posts. So here it is,one of the main secrets/influences behind this fic.