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>>/5790/ The final notes: 1)The other fic that I wanted to find I don't remember the name of. The reason I took so much time looking for it is because I wanted to use it to contrast and compare on the story and themes as if I am recalling it correctly thought it could be interesting. It was a story of Twilight Sparkle going off on s journey to prove herself after she thought herself a failure for A Canterlot Wedding for the disaster that almost happened. The author reasoned that TS would more likely blame herself for failure and try to prove herself over being angry at her friends and family over not believing her like a lot of fics did. I don't remember all the details but I thought that theme of running away was both very similar and contrasting to this fic and the motivations of a pony running blind after a mistake. I may still do if I find it. 2): I almost thought was a slight cryptic feel that I thought was going on with some of the background implications towards the end but I wasn't sure. I didn't put it in the review because I felt like this review should be more of an assessment of quality and I could ask other questions afterward that where my curiosities. 3)It was an interesting experience going through fics that I haven't read since pre-Twilicorn when looking for points of reference out of memory. Nostalgic yes but also like a happy continuation as I found several fics that I had forgotten and now may go ahead and read! 4)One thing that I considered putting in but decided that it'd be best to leave out as I wasn't sure I would really being saying much more than "Some fics of around 10 to 20k in size are one shots, some split into chapters" was comparing your fic to other fics of that size in structuring of the story. If I could contribute something intelligent I would have had a section but I couldn't think of anything interesting sans one fic that a slightly unusual structure that I remembered loving how it did. But it was a fic that was so complex on it's own that I probably should wait and bring it onto the table at an other time rather than trying to quote parts of it randomly. >>/5791/ > Thanks a lot Bridgefag for the review. I'll have to dedicate a lot of time for replying to it properly and especially,the grammar posts were really needed. I knew that reading the fic all over again would show up my mistakes at translating it and indeed, I have noticed several typos as well. Take your time. I've took awhile with this. Though it wasn't something that was too hard on me. More of me looking for things and thinking about it rather than actually typing it out when I finally (and slowly) did. > I wanted to reply something with value in it because I have to be grateful and appreciate the effort behind your posts. So here it is,one of the main secrets/influences behind this fic. The link ain't working for some reason. Not showing up as an embed. Wonder why?