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>>/5798/ as soon as I saw this post, I didn´t imagine at all that you jumped right in for a review dedicated to a compilation. Wow! I don´t think that I am capable to offer thoughts about this compilation because it´s so scattered among the recycled moments that putting them altogether would work better (I don´t understand why the intro pops up every few minutes though) > didn't watch all the flashbacks all the way through but I did try to keep track. eeeyup, same here. > some of the selections for the flash backs seem rather odd. the Ending of the End with A Dog and A Pony Show or Rarity Investigates for example. Different strokes for different folks and it seems that the compilation goes really diverse on its choices. > Like Twilight saying: Rarity has always been an inspiration for her with one one flash back focusing on her fashion empire and than it moves to focusing on Spike's love for Rarity in episodes that had really good moments for Rarity that would have fit as part of TS' first point her handling her own in A Dog and Pony Show or her generosity in The Best Gift Ever. I guess you could say that later one was redundant with the generosity point already made earlier but you'd think the Spike flash back's would be focused on Secret of My Excess and perhaps a brief mention of a couple of other moments and then Dragon Dropped if you'd want to have a section dedicated to him. who was in charge of the pacing and the order of the flashbacks? Because reading this makes me feel uneasy but yeah whatever. They used this compilation for remembering both characters. > it was slightly weird to have Spike show a brief bit of love for Rarity in pic related as it almost could be undermining her point about Spike and her relationship changing and Dragon Dropped itself in a small way. It's only slightly weird on it's own but remember it for some point later. Jim Miller said in a tweet that this was made during the production of season 9 (10 months ago) and Dragon Dropped didn´t air until late August (I haven´t checked it out) so if these compilations were to be revealed/leaked, then we could understand that the episode was taken into account while making these compilations. However, this argument falls apart by itself when the compilation is set before the Last Problem so yeah, either that´s an inconsistency or they didn´t want to get really serious with this production. > Thirdly: is it just me or did the animation seem slightly choppy and jaggy at points? I thought it was just me but I saw a couple of other's say this too. I haven´t focused all that much on it. I am more bothered about the intro appearing all the time right into the viewer´s face. Edit: I thought that it was my internet connection but yeah, in the second moment that you have linked here, I have noticed that there are a couple of chops from 13:00 and 13:06. Maybe in the first one there are subtle cuts but I have tried to check it out several times so I had the compilation fully loaded. In the second one, though there is almost an entire second in which the frames stop completely. I can confirm that as well so you have a point there. > It is just a clipshow with a bit of dressing. Admittedly I can find bous content /comfy/ but this felt a bit barebones compared to even the shorts they've had in the past. definitely I have barely put any effort on the review here, just replying with a laid back approach to this so in general, no controversies here and having to jump after watching 20 or 30 seconds of new content before having to click just to skip the old´s no wonder that I haven´t warmed up with it. Except with this: > I loved the moment when Rarity and Twilight hugged at the end. It is the only moment that stood out to me. It just sounded really sweet and genuine. That moment gets a 7/10. if the Last Problem had been longer, this scene would have had much more impact and would have added more reasons to be sad towards the finale.Agreed wholeheartedly with this line.