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Yeah. Not really a whole lot to say with this one. Supposedly there is a couple of small moments that may matter in later shorts but we will see.  Celestia apparently has a line that pissed some people off for some reason but I'm going to remain unspoilered if I can help it.  

> if the Last Problem had been longer, this scene would have had much more impact and would have added more reasons to be sad towards the finale.Agreed wholeheartedly with this line.
It was the only part that felt like the tone of reliving memories and sentimentality. 

> I thought that it was my internet connection but yeah, in the second moment that you have linked here, I have noticed that there are a couple of chops from 13:00 and 13:06. Maybe in the first one there are subtle cuts but I have tried to check it out several times so I had the compilation fully loaded. In the second one, though there is almost an entire second in which the frames stop completely. I can confirm that as well so you have a point there.
So it ain't just me. I wasn't sure if it was just my eyes but sometimes I do watch the animation closely and usually for latter seasons and usually I've been slightly impressed with how smooth they've kept a lot of the simple stuff. Which brings me too:
> either that´s an inconsistency or they didn´t want to get really serious with this production.
I think it is looks like this was done quickly but if they pull anything of adding to shipping hints or something that connects it to the final then I will count it for the former as well.

> I don´t understand why the intro pops up every few minutes though
It looks like a bumper that would play in commercial breaks. I don't understand why it was kept in.