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And now, how do I translate all of this into a fic meant for MLP? Well, look at chapters 6,7 and 8, especially the 7th one. >>/5424/, >>/5425/, >>/5426/ , >>/5427/ The whole Spanish story might not have been transmitted because honestly, the setting doesn´t fit at all for this universe but... we could use its style and its themes. So, the whole book is written as narrated poetry and while not all the lines from the famous writer hit all that well throughout the entire thing (it has its flaws at rhyming), you can notice that the standards were there and so I was inspired to bring poetry explicitly for the first time. I wanted to expand this narrative for later chapters but it didn´t fit so it has been diminished and reduced only to strengthen the biggest climax of this story: >>/5426/ When the protagonist stays on a rock, you can tell that he is feeling emotional about something that we can´t tell from the inside. So here is where I imply that past actions from him are paying off to this fate of ending up in the south coast without getting any prize whatsoever. If you read carefully, the whole act in the south coast consists in facing a death from a character that never was exemplary to begin with but he knows that he is trapped because of his circumstances. Don´t you notice lines of pride and patriotism for Equestria in the narrative before getting swallowed by the waves? Let me expose them: >>/5425/ > It´s time to dream and breathe this pure air for one last time. So be it my end with pride… >>/5426/ > I, BlueStar, royal guard of Equestria, was condemned by Cloud Zapper, whose abandonment was given to me with his bad temper, and treason I did in this magical land of Equestria! > If it´s got to be, shallow me up today! This event that the past has wanted, it is what I have deserved; my sanity will remain in this way. > If death is all I have as my guide, with this degraded golden armour, no griffon I will see, no duty I will get to receive, my glasses will accept its presence with pride. > Let each bubble of my breath remember with firmament, for honour and loyalty that I have been giving, guarantee me a worthy drowning and see everything that came and went. > This continent I have promised to defend, and if a cold death is approaching, in this strong wind I am affirming, I´ve arrived at a good age for this to end. the whole thing offers a deeper and darker tone than the rest of the fic because for the first time, the protagonist admits his fate with a dignified death with all his will. Considering that he was a royal guard, he felt an actual change in his attitude but who was he fighting for? For the kingdom and as a soldier, he revives that piece of dignity with pride and a patriotic sacrifice while the tragedy was approaching to him. You can notice that this whole act is more suffocating and tragic because the reader is reading about an announced death with all the consequences taken into account. Trust me, I have softened this part a lot and in order to make this part organic but one can tell that what lies beneath this story is much more tragic than it looks. Those little hints in the writing imply that this darker influence exists. This is the most experimental part and the one that got me out of my comfort zone and I was really worried how this whole thing would turn out. It is the first time where you can notice a change in terms of writing, adding up poetry and it almost a romantic moment, isn´t it? You would expect that the protagonist exposed his feelings towards a certain love or exposing his heart out looking for someone... So this looks like Stella could have turned into his personal desire and this is where we jump into the songs...