> Unexpected response to be honest.Wow. It's not that famous and I get this.
My Dad would always have CDs (and even Mix tapes) of various music he would play on long car trips. Most of it though most of it was Progressive and Experimental stuff from the 70s and 80s, he also liked to keep track of stuff that was underground or culturally significant to various sub cultures, especially from around that time. Robert Calvert's Captain Lockheed and the Starfighters which is a concept album making fun of the sale of F 104 to West Germany. Various proto punk and pre alt rock traks. I remember him telling me once that he had some songs from a Serbian Prog Band... a lot of strange off beat stuff Anyway, I do remember him telling me a couple of times something along the lines of "that song was an early work of the Cure before they were popular here" when I asked about a song.
> People these days live in a private understanding (which is ironic here) but usually,people only talk and stay sincere for themselves. Everything else is post-irony,post truths, trolling and clickbait commentary.
Yep. If I had more time I might go on a bit of a tangent on this. Well It looks like I have to go. Good luck holding the fort!
> Anyway, good luck for this week and the zombies....erm bats and mein Umbridge will warm this place meanwhile.
Have a little help with that in the form Bat Pone Cadence!