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So if the entire existence of Stella has deceived everyone, one could easily imply that I could have done that for anyone else... and I did. The poisoned writing affects everything and the cast and the title itself show spread it is throughout the entire story. If it hadn´t been because of >>/5429/, I would have never written about them so this means that the pictures lead more the story than the OCs. In fact, look at >>/5433/, the reason why I started this story in Canterlot. I decided to add Cloud Zapper to this story. In reality, unlike other stories and clichés about adding OCs for self-inserting the person behind them don´t arise here. Not even the protagonist is my only way to express myself here and it shows that all the characters involved are a means to an end for conveying certain feelings that don´t fall exactly into one of them. I am going to reveal that I am not a writer nor I was meant to entertain with long stories of this kind before /endpone/ and I am not an artist either, I have no skills at drawing. Nonetheless, I have edited several pictures and connected several unrelated pieces into one uniform product that seems new. I said in the past that I act more like an electronic artist by using samples and place them correctly in order to work for another context. I am manipulating and I warned about the poisoned nature of this story. Anyway, do you believe that Bluestar was the only way to express myself because he is the narrator? Far from it and I even expose that I modifying the characters subtly in between the lines. The author reveals this in very specific lines that seem minor and irrelevant but reveal a lot more when you read the influences behind this story that he is using them as puppets: Cloud Zapper in >>/5421/ > “What could anyone expect from you? A guard that simply stares romantically at other guards or even passes time at imagining love stories with Twilight under the pseudonym named “Zephyr”? It´s no wonder that all of this would happen sooner or later despite keeping you in the charge after all these years.” He said with a sarcastic tone again. A criticism to shipping OCs with canon characters. Ironically I write the premise that Stella and BlueStar are going to be a couple but we´ll see that later. However, I am posting a couple of pictures about the original character who Cloud Zapper is referring to. You are seeing the practice of inserting OCs meant for ships and annoy the hell out of the fanbase, with commissioned images by the way. Novo in >>/5431/: > Novo said. “I admire your willingness and submission for this place despite not knowing how this will work out. Something is telling me that it´s not proper of me to do this drastic decision towards any individual” she continued. meaning that she could be out of character for being more dictatorial or imposing her orders towards anyone for such a strange decision like desiring a permanent seapony form. Stella in >>/5438/ > “Why are you even worried about that? We mean nothing to them, it doesn´t matter. It´s all up to what you do in the end. No one is going to judge nor is going to interfere with us. > I am surprised that you weren´t like this in the past. If that painter was right, it would mean that the one BlueStar I have known doesn´t belong there…" Stella said. meaning that they were meant to be a couple but something is preventing them from becoming that and noticing that the character that we have known isn´t exactly what has ended up acting in the end. and finally...