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and lastly, another factor why I have decided to write this fic has been this: > I would strongly encourage you to to write. Maybe make that same style of posts but don't post them. Even if it brings some pain it would be better than forgetting who you are or letting it get canned up because someday something could one day pierce that and then it wouldn't be pretty. I suppose that you Bridgefag would recognize these words from yours. The problem is that, after so many posts written here, what do I have to offer here? While I was writing this fic, I wasn´t all that convinced because there weren´t any urgent emotions to write it so this whole story has been written in a cold manner. This explains why in the first chapters I wasn´t all that comfortable about it, I had a certain reluctance because I was lacking in motivations to write it. I struggled to find a decent plot device just to have something to hold onto and justify the rest. As soon as I warmed up with the story I was writing, I started to rise the standards of writing and placing everything in its right place really subtly and so, the 3rd chapter starts to escalate the implications and influences. Also, you said this: >>/1562/ > Your first early stuff would probably be a 6 range to me, not out of anything wrong but that it was just a simple little story. I think you Radiance fic is centianly above 8 for sure, along with this one. well, time is a funny thing, you know? I don´t know if it´s currently a 6 for you but this remake has made you think more than you expected back then. Maybe that first attempt had left you indifferent back then but, are you going to be sure about feeling indifferent about this one? I have also used the theme of age in this fic and it´s because kids have been calling me sir...when I am in my 20s. I am not saying that I am an elder person but I am feeling less energetic than the previous years I have lived in the past. It clashes to hear that I am feeling older towards a certain generation when I haven´t grown up all that much yet I know that certain aspects like the innocence, the lack of finding anything that surprises me or the huge energy that a child displays...I realize that I cannot offer that anymore. Perhaps that explains why I want to feel comfortable and take this life in a more laid back manner. I know it won´t happen and things are going to be rough in the future but at least, I am trying to find where my limits are. So this story has influences of classic literature, four songs with backstories, /endpone/, the image cover, the fact that it was written after the finale….all of that bottled up in a simple linear story but instead of revealing them so explicitly, I have placed them strategically in order to find a balance and something organic, while channeling personal thoughts at certain points. It´s no wonder that one would find pretty hard to judge this story. It needs to be revised in grammar I know and the first two chapters make it seem generic. Nonetheless, that innocence is lost whenever one enters into the 3rd chapter onwards. This fic is incredibly backloaded and won´t probably appeal many fans out there, not that I care all that much. These are OCs and it implies shipping from the image itself so it was doomed from the start. As soon as one digs deeper into it, one would know that the fic arises lots of questions or little lines of confusion but they won´t prevent from following the main linear story. There is more miscellaneous stuff to reveal but as for the main influences that I wanted to bring on the table, I believe that this is more than enough. Hope that you have enjoyed this experience (both the story and the influences). L23