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thumbnail of 2332632__safe_artist-colon-inuhoshi-dash-to-dash-darkpen_carrot+top_fizzlepop+berrytwist_golden+harvest_grubber_tempest+shadow_earth+pony_hedgehog_pony_unicorn_.png
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> In the meantime have this song
well, I must admit that despite the constant rhythm throughout its entirety, it´s not hard to see that the lyrics rhyme and stand as the strongest point of the song with the words succeed, need, misused and confused; thrown in those 4 lines in a row. 

> Harmony rewritten out of sight
> What can I do to bring you back
> My technicolor world has faded to black
simply excellent. 

What is certainly hilarious in hindsight is that, if they didn´t tell me that this was inspired by the season 3 finale (I´ve got to find a way), with these lyrics:

> Wake up now and see the truth,I'm here to show the world to you
> The way it was meant to be,So follow your destiny
> This twisted future isn't right,Let's bring the real you to the light
> I'm going to make you realize, So open your eyes

> Broken your life and who you are, I'm afraid I've left a terrible scar. But apologies won't save me now
I would imply from these words alone that Tempest would be singing them in the movie, the song´s title doesn´t help at getting rid of the confusions and the beat is strong enough to fit more for the unicorn of the broken horn than coming from Twilight´s perspective .   Bonus points for predicting the movie and getting a boost of views while visiting in hindsight.

So yeah, it has entertained me more than I expected even though I am still unaware of MLP´s music scene from the fanbase in general.