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> fatchan is dead and our current BO is at the point of giving up.
I believe that 9chan is trying to become the alternative but like, let´s see how much they dedicate themselves to their own commitment at replacing 8kun.

I personally admit that /endpone/ won´t replace anyone nor has the purpose to do that at its core. In order to build a community and compete against /mlp/ or even /8pone/ in its first years, you would have to reunite lots of fans and dedicate lots of effort and compromise.

We cannot build that popularity for replacing it so instead of copying /mlp/ or 8kun, the formula or product should be different and offer something else. 

> I actually had some OC I am working on for there but it wouldn't be ready for a couple of months.
whether /8pone/ survives or not, keep on going with it. Depending on what you want to do/write, you have plenty of choices: post it on /mlp/, post it on Fimfiction without the green format or even here (and if it´s NSFW, this thread is perfect for that and you could use a tripcode while delivering and explain how it was written)

Do not simply rely on that because you can find your own public  even though I understand that grief because if /endpone/ disappeared, I would react in that same way as well just like SivC did for his fic on /mlp/ by rewriting the Ending of the End and look how much success it has received.

Just do it, m8 (despite the circumstances).