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>>/5887/ > My thoughts were that whatever work itself was something to do with an exiled military leader or noblemen watch out, you aren´t that far off from a reasonable interpretation. Don´t simply ditch what you have thought in its entirety because the noble aspect is shown when the protagonist awaited his death. I have posted the influences just to open up more interpretations of this fic but it doesn´t prevent at all from concluding "canon" thoughts that story by itself displays. >Though I consider myself not much of an established fiction reader so I'm not sure it means much. neither do I. I simply checked it out almost accidentally because I wanted to check if it turned out to be true that there were tragedies written before than historians imply while checking the past. It was actually true so I wanted to reflect something out of it just to prove that I have acknowledged it this year. > that it was at least in part referencing some past tragedy IRL. well, you had got that before I revealed it. > "Wow, he is talking about a lost friend or lover" I have the fortune to not have lost important members of my family to this day (*touches wood) and despite sounding like a romantic protagonist in his desperation... > I've known that you used songs just based on the tone rather than the exact lyrical meanings. the poison arises and the effects come to reality. However, I leave a clue to the song I am referencing (but it´s so subtle that I have to reveal them) > I thought it was used well for dramatic effect as Bluestar. if it hadn´t been because of the vagueness and the poisoned text, you would have completely got it from the beginning. But that´s only a part of its justification that adds up momentum to the poetical moment. > Mass suicide? Dark. I remember in my past having some dark concepts so I can get drawing on it. This is actually a bit more complex with how it used its inspiration. I see that you understand why this fic has darker holes implied beneath its seemingly innocent lines. I couldn´t use the setting from Numantia so I simply went for its themes (too dark for MLP, I wouldn´t reasonably reach that far, it would detour too much from the slice of life nature) and the narrated poetry. As for suicide, the tag is justified because of that moment alone and while its seemingly dramatic, throwing an entire society to the fire and the last youth from the top of a tower....doesn´t sound like the inspiration is much better, isn´t it? > It was the impulse, the feeling and the act that you were trying to transmit, not the plot. > I thought this fic from the way you described it was lifting a bit of a plot from somewhere directly. keep in mind that I had all the gallery prepared before writing the story itself and that part of the fic does take up the green from 2018, just that I wanted to justify its plots device and how the reunion with Stella would happen. The original images (particularly >>/5425/ >>/5429/) were the actual objective. Everything else was meant for adding more significance to those events. I simply intensified more the context behind them and that meant a blank card for all these influences I have collected here.