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>>/5888/ > The way you talk makes it look like you ruminated on the subject for awhile well, I am not exactly an expert. Just that after surfing on the internet so much and seeing tons of fan content, I have understood with a more open mind why they exist as a concept and how people put them in practice (at least, I am aware of the most redundant clichés of introducing OCs) but I am not all that deep into the matter. But yes, the fic is so poisoned that you are not going to find a shipfic as expected but a subtle criticism that is roaming in certain parts of the story. > This itself had serious thought and was an attempt at meta commentary on the nature of OCs eeeyup and on top of that, criticizing the uselessness that the royal guards have offered for the entire series and getting fired. This combination could be utterly devastating for the character and so it was written in that way for reaching the 7th chapter. > He may even intent to not love again under trying to find a sense of duty. Pretty deep TBH. eeeyup. The intentions were ambiguous and those little detail mark what could lead to very different interpretations. > Your use of honey and dear especially makes them look like a couple here. very good point there. I must say that part of chapter 10 and the last two chapters were written in a more spontaneous way during the translation to English. In fact, it took me the entire night (from 10 pm to 2 am) to write the whole conversation between Stella and Bluestar in an organic (and apologetic) way, repeating more or less the formula that I used for Celestia and Luna when they were confessing among themselves >>/1483/. I put those words because they come from the fact of that warmth that they have built together but not because they were meant to be together desperately. And we don´t know if they are going to live together all the time so even if they are a couple, I leave that in the air, in the middle of tones of grey. The ship might happen, don´t get me wrong, but something else would have to occur in order to reinforce that attachment... > This is some extremely meta reasoning, I'm not sure if it is fully transmited in your story but I am actually impressed with your motivations and inspirations for this. Even if I could, I wouldn´t be capable to express everything because I would slip off the nature of MLP way too much. The most impressive thing about it is that you haven´t mentioned once that this feels out of place from this universe nor that it wouldn´t work as slice of life material. Taking into account all these influences, I believe that making them organic and integrating them subtly have made all this collage look like a simple linear story to follow instead of displaying a story with random explicit inconsistencies out of nowhere. Sure, you understandably struggled to see the entirety of what was intended to express but as for the story in general, I have tried not to mess it up with all the material exposed so you wouldn´t have any considerable troubles to follow it.