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>>/5926/ > Partly, this tale isn't about Fred learning to be a pony, but Fred's unsullied and insatiable desire to be his own master alright, so now I know about his motivations...then I understand the direct jump into the guards conversation. > Are you familiar with that "program" ? 50,000 words in 30 days. Yeah, I had browsed it before I replied to you, I was completely aware of that program. > You remember I said I let my mane down writing it? Yes, you did. >>/5898/ > Fred gets laid by literally every mare in the village that first night, and he doesn't even speak Ponish (The language barrier is another AU-element to this piece, although I weave that into the force-of-magic forcing conformity on the natives). Goddamn, that´s quite an achievement for him except that... > so take out the "every mare" part and downgrade it to just the one mare who was "assigned" to his care because she was the only non-illiterate whose weekend was coming up. you are saying that is just one and she had her own free time to do it. > that level accidental domination is never repeated but I relied on it to explain how Fred (who named himself Forest Fire to 'blend in') grew so quickly in the ways of pony. Well, at least you attempted to palliate it somehow but the effort was made for an abhorrent moment. That´s not an easy task but not so much when we are talking about putting out just one mare instead of living the wet dream. > the other HLF rejects who are still planning an uprising from within the system, That´s why they leave those two alone. > someone else is tearing smaller holes but: why? and, are the solar flares even deliberate? How could you not-be-invading but 'grab' their sun and squash it down to a small, destructive point? > What's their angle? What's their end-goal? WHO ARE THEY?!?! Unless you introduce a 4D chess player or a third faction that has its own agenda that simply applied parallel plans regardless of this conflict among humans and ponies, I can´t answer those questions that easily. Either George knows something and is unaware of working with someone else whose plans are way darker than the ones ordered to him or that entity considered that both things were strategic to their plans? > But I hold out hope. never lose it.