> What song?
do you want to know? Really? You are going to be quite disappointed when you realize that it actually comes from an indie rock band (immensely popular by the way) :
Perhaps the part that anyone would check out after seeing the clip >>/5882/ would be from 2:13 until 2:56. I could have used other sections of this song though. Maybe the part that starts at 3:39 grabs your attention because of the autotune that lifts you up.
> you may be able to do something cool moving in either direction. If you go for the demo style it'd probably take more creativity but ain't impossible.
It isn´t impossible at all but as for now, I am simply playing around with the basic options of cutting the images, synchronizing the rhythm with the appearance of each image and using basic effects that the program provides to me. It´s nothing fancy but it´s enough to enliven up this thread a little bit.
> If I could set it to a beat or control it in service to a greater theme it could be cool.
I have no doubt that this could turn into something quite entertaining to watch.
> A side goal that arose while doing some research was studying the nature of Spike and Twilight's relationship and what they have implied in a few episodes.
Given that you have come across with that episode and the s8 or the post-gen 4 threads are still there, maybe you could take advantage of it and add a review besides your research, not to mention that this episode has received mixed reviews across the fanbase.