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>>/5913/ > ow that critique is weird as hell to hear. How am I supposed to reach this again? I´ll have to take notes from literature or something just to hold up to these standards. What I mean is that there were some meanings that I could've only guessed at with the context you provided here. You hid them, a goal of yours I know, but to the point where you didn't explore them. I do not mean that you need to go find some other deeper works and make a fic with an even deeper reasoning behind it. I mean that next time you should consider exploring some of these themes more freely. You don't have to overdose it but say enough to get the reader mouth to tingle. I understand why you'd want to hide somethings but others (like the existentialism of OCs) would benefit from a bit of light shined upon it. > I had that sense that I would need to impress you after such a hiatus for me in writing anything And I came into this thinking it was a practice fic with possibly some meaning behind it.You did impress me. Though you don't need to next time. It is always good to challenge ones self to advance. But also don't get lost in trying to aim for a constant upward attempt of quality. Practice, go on a limb and experiment. Remember freedom and have fun too, not every story has to be a level higher than the last. I strongly encourage you to consider taking it to the next level, not now, not tommorow, someday . It also probably good to practice before you try it. ...but I honestly believe that you have it within you to craft a tale that could be good, or at least, interesting. It doesn't have to be about these two or even the themes here. You could weave something else altogether from different influences. It would do ya some good to check out the Star in Yellow Enteral, from what I remember of it, is a more complex tale set in an out of date future that would be less of your liking though still worthy of talking about at a future date. As I said before, It too was loosely inspired by an old book but twisted into its own messages and themes. > but in reality, the comparison was just the proof that I can offer something in this post gen 4 era without appealing just to emotions in order to write something meaningful. I think you did. You took stories to the next level. > It won´t satisfy outsiders nor many people out there but it was more an exercise that I felt like finishing for this board. It still counts as practice for any future stuff should you choose too. Though right now I suggest you rest and I'll see what I can cook up. I have one further thought but it'll take me awhile to find examples so I may take it to the fic thread later.