Congratulations for reaching this far, /endpone/. Without noticing it, this board has reached the 6k posts and watch out, this number is quite remarkable for Endchan´s standards so who would have guessed that the race for the 300 posts back then in December 2017 would reach this far?
This backup board is still going and honestly, each time that the milestone arrives, I am becoming more speechless but yeah, this board has gone through several transformations in mindset and in its concepts. Especially, this:
> We apparently struck meme gold and didn't know it.
how something that was inside joke for this board only has become a meme and people wonder why where it actually came from and it haunts me to have witnessed the origins of it.
> I don't really have to much to say other than that I wish everyone well, regardless if you are lurkers, sometimes posters or newfags who just bumped into this place.
same here honestly. I believe that this is the board that no matter how small or irrelevant it is, it celebrates itself.
> BO you will not be forgotten either.
perhaps he has been lurking without saying anything. One can simply hope.
> Onward to 7000!
okay, so the script has been written for these 6k posts but,what about now? Do we cross the bridge? Do we go over it or under it? I need some directions here.