> become a meme and people wonder why where it actually came from and it haunts me to have witnessed the origins of it. 
I don't know. My logical mind says that this is just a coincidence as long ponies existed before and I bet if I dug around deep enough I could find a her drawn like that in some form. Yet this happened:
Regardless there is a chance that someone could've gotten her from here. That's freaky and amazing. 

> perhaps he has been lurking without saying anything. One can simply hope.
For all we know this could be him. 
I always hope that if he still walks this earth he'll stop by again. 

>  Do we cross the bridge? Do we go over it or under it? I need some directions here.
I say we charge forward on it. To 7000K!

Hail Dolores, Queen of the Bridges and  guardian of /endpone/!