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>>/5987/ > latest update happened in 5/11 > A Canterlot Wedding didn´t air until 4/12 And eleven months is the gestation of a new foal. Also I don't care because this is about accidental alicorns, not historical accuracy. So, having grown up attending a church that seemingly believed that "if the KJV was good enough for the apostle Paul, it's good enough for me" I was actually pleased to hear Luna return with an archaic speech pattern, and fain would I hear more of it. BUT I'm not sure, in this particular sequence if I've gotten all the particulars into the "okay" range. Let me post it, and then go through and clean in up ... and you two can say which is better. (posting char limit is...? Oh look, its 4096.) |||| Fred was typing furiously at his console, but every command gave errors in Farsi. For some reason he could read Farsi but his keyboard didn't have those characters so he couldn't refactor his code. Not helping any, was the fact his keyboard only had two keys. One each for his left finger, and his right. Neither key had a legend anyway so he wasn't sure, once he became aware of what he was dreaming, how he could type anything anyway. He flapped his wings in frustration, and someone sharing his cubicle, still human, complained about personal space issues. What was making Fred sweat, though, was the sound of the boss' feet across the industrial carpet. He was walking up the aisle now, and would chew him out any minute. In fact, here he was now. ”Fred Soleman.” Standing at the entrance to the quad desk cubicle, was a purple mare, her horn stately in its poise, her tiny crown held secure between flowing blue forelock and stately horn. Her back was adorned by large wings, the tips of which just reached a crescent moon image formed by alternating hair colors of her coat. ”I guess this means I'm asleep. Would explain the keyboard issues.” He shoved his station's input peripherals against the wall, to the scowls of his imaginary coworkers. ”Let us move to an empty ...” She looked around the cubicle, unsure what to call the corkboard walled region, but decided on ”room. shall we?” Princess Luna stepped back a little, then walked away to a nearby quad whose fluorescent lights didn't flicker like the ones overhead were. When equine Fred arrived, there were two benches suitable for the pony form, and Luna had seated herself in one, her face as hard as stone as her gaze followed Fred's entrance. ”I'm a little fuzzy about what's going on in the real world; lucid dreaming has always been elusive for me.” But having said that, a hazelnut latte appeared in a mug not unlike the earth-pony mug he had been given when he first arrived into town months early. He wasn't too sure about the table it was on, if that had been there either. Sipping on his hot drink, he took a deep breath, the delicious smell of a drink he had never heard any pony reference let him drift into daydream within the dream.