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>>/6024/ ”Canst relax so soon after murdering?” Forest opened his eyes, and looked to Luna for clarification. Hearing nothing, he remembered the sunstrike in Appleloosa. ”I didn't think anyone at the train station died?” Not to mention I didn't do that, but I get I'm still a suspect, or whatever. Luna only raised an eyebrow. ”The sunstrike; knocked a train car off the track and into the station still on fire. Some ponies hurt, but not myself. Moved to a canyon I found hoping not to see the sun for a while until you guys could track down who was doing that.” Best not to mention I still think Celestia is the most likely suspect at the moment. Luna may not get along perfectly with Celestia, but they've been living in the same building for millenia, if their story is taken at face value. ”I had not heard there was another.” She looked at the table briefly, and a wineglass appeared. ”Appleloosa? Thou has traveled quickly, Fred Soleman. But I meant not the earth ponies, rather mine royal guard.” Fred was still fuzzy headed, so he asked for clarification. ”Korp Moon Shadow was due to arrive at an orientation town for human newfoals. She did not.” She's fine. I know that name. How do I know she's fine? ”She's with me. I think she might be curled up next to me I don't remember. But we.” Almost too late, Fred realized he shouldn't give away his association with the pony division of the HLF. Luna's eyes narrowed, and she put the wine glass back down. But she just stared at the wine glass for a breath, then said without looking up. ”Thou'rt in the silver mines, not the canyon floor.” She assumes Korp is the other half of 'we.' ”Fred Soleman.” She looked up now, anger drained from her face but not the intensity of her command. ”Wake. Tell Korp to sleep under the stars. Tell her that I wish to speak with her, if thou wish.” ”You can find my dreams but not hers?” If he was about to wake up, he wanted to finish his latte first. Fred gulped deep. ”Mayhap that she be not asleep. More likely, that thou'rt too deep and only thy sheer volume of magic allow me this contact. Indeed Fred Soleman, that thou'rt still unlucid shows us my dream magic be limited in scope in the place where thou lay thy head.”